How Are Fashion Influencers At The Top Of Their Game?
Fashion is a personal statement, not everyone shares the same taste in fashion and are, often inspired by various women and men who have led the way. Fashion Influencers or Gurus as they are dearly called, are known for their unique taste in fashion after all, “Fashion is what you buy, Style is what you do with it” as said by Nicky Hilton.
Fashion Influencers often have a massive and loyal community of followers who look for #OutitOfTheDay inspirations from these Gurus. Each influencer has a unique touch in their styling choices and that is what sets them apart.
Being a fashion influencer isn’t a hobby, you have to commit to this full-time, all-the-time because, with the changing trends, you need to change too. Gone are the days when all you needed were a couple of half decent photographs, good writing skills and a sense of personal style, these days fashion influencers are expected to come up with editorial looks for an everyday look too.
Fashion influencers are at the top of their game because they have a little extra up their sleeves which separate them from the ordinary. There are a few elements which they understand better than the next person, these are:-
1. They are experts in their field with a twist
Influencers put in a lot of effort into generating content from Insta OOTDs (Outfit of The Day) to Snapchat stories to daily posts; they are committed to delivering what their audience wants from them. Accounts like DietSabhya, inspired by DietPrada, which calls out copycats of the fashion industry are striving to become the fashion police on Instagram, they are experts in their field but with a twist and their witty captions have surely got a lot of attention.

2. They follow their niche
Fashion is personal; every influencer has his or her own sense of style that makes them at the top of their game. While earlier, the influencer could do with photos from their phones which aren’t edited or haven’t been styled but these days influencers have to go above and beyond and create editorial looks. In a time where everyone was sharing the same details, accounts like @thatbohogirl which focuses on Boho Chic or the challenges often taken up by Sejal Kumar like, a week’s outfit from Sarojini creating a hook, which keeps their audience engaged.

3. They are more than just their follow count
Not everyone can hit the 500k+ mark easily and that is ok. The main focus should lie in building a community of people who love you, your style and engage with you. Building a community is half the battle won. Once you have loyal followers and quality content, you will rise.

4. They post like crazy
Less is more in fashion influencing only applies to styling, when it comes to posting on social media, more is more. This niche is rather crowded making it competitive than others and hence, there are no breaks for fashion influencers. Fashion influencers post daily along with Snapchat and Instagram stories. Fashion influencing is an always-on, full-time job, you have to be dedicated to your content and your followers.
5. They research and research
Research is key when it comes to being at the top of their game; they have to have knowledge of all that is going on in the industry. They need to be updated with all the trends and who is wearing what. They follow celebrities and brands alike, for their new collection launches etc. Every piece of content generated needs a lot of research on behalf of the influencer to deliver quality.